R3 – Risk Management in Salisbury, Concord, Mooresville, Kannapolis, Huntersville, Davidson, NC, and the surrounding areas

Central Carolina Insurance Agency has implemented our proprietary R3 program to move away from the traditional insurance process. The traditional insurance process has become transactional, thus taking away from what is important… REDUCING RISK. Much like your accountant, attorney, or even your physician, our unique process allows us to operate in a diagnostic manner. We take the time to get to know your business and the possible exposures where coverage gaps may exist.

​Let us tell you about our R3 program that goes beyond the traditional insurance transaction as we strive to learn about your business long before we look at coverage strategies.


Benefits of R3

Protecting Businesses From Risk Takes More than Just Insurance

Other “soft” expenses may appear uncontrollable, confusing or untenable. Examples could be dealing with the worker’s compensation insurance modifier, disaster management issues, employee turnover, HR issues regarding sexual harassment or a potential information technology breach exposure. These “fluid issues” are often postponed for future study by a committee or totally ignored until they rear their ugly head to land on the “necessary to do list” vs. the “future to do list.” But what we all understand about this “necessary list” is that it can crowd existing resources and increase short term costs because extra labor and resources are needed to deal with it NOW!

So is the 900-pound gorilla going to go away overnight? Maybe so, but another one may be waiting in the jungle trees to take its place! These fluid issues that can adversely impact cost could range from a firm’s damage to their reputation after a data security breach to having proactive Human Resource and fleet safety programs.

Working smarter is key!

We Conduct Risk Assessments in the Following Areas:

  • IT Cyber Security- can anybody gain access to proprietary information or private client data?
  • Workplace Safety & Employee Security- What are you doing now and do you have a formal return to work policy after job illness or accident?
  • Disaster Recovery Plans- Hurricanes, storms, fire, etc.
  • HR Compliance and Employee Background- Proper vetting processes?
  • Fleet Management- Autos, trucks, delivery, etc.?
  • Environmental Exposure- On & Off-site reviews?
  • Insurance- product liability concerns?
  • Key Man- what happens if a key person becomes disabled, passes away, or leaves your firm?